General conditions of use of the website
The owner of this website, is Enrique Granados 66 BCN SL with address at c / Barcelona, Balmes 266, entsol 3a, and provided with NIF B66761743.
The use of any material or service contained in this website will be done in accordance with the general conditions of use set forth herein and, where appropriate, according to the rules and specific conditions of each specific material or service that is provided. The fact that the user accesses this website implies that he accepts all the general terms and conditions of use it contains. The owner reserves the right to periodically modify these conditions if it deems appropriate. In this sense, the most recent conditions published here are those that determine the use of the site.
Likewise, visiting this website implies acceptance by the user of our Privacy and Data Protection Policy that is mentioned below.
The images, brands and logos that appear on this website are the property of the owner or third parties who have authorized their use. The use of these trademarks is forbidden without the prior written authorization of the owner of the site or of the third party owners of the trademarks.
The content of the website is the property of the owner so that the user can only download the material that appears on the site for personal and non-commercial use, respecting copyright, trademarks and other property rights.
Any unauthorized use of the information contained on this website, its reproduction, distribution, public communication, making available to the public and transformation will give rise to legally established responsibilities.
It is not allowed to remove the copyright or any other notice inserted in the contents, materials, services, documents and information or any other contained in this website.
The user undertakes to use this website, its contents and services diligently, in accordance with the Law, these general conditions, good customs and public order. The user will be responsible to the owner and third parties for the damages of any kind that may result as a result of breach of the duty of diligence in the use of this website.
The owner will use all efforts and means to provide updated and reliable information on the website. However, the owner is not responsible, in any case, for damages of any kind that may cause, by way of example, the presence of errors or possible inaccuracies and / or omissions in the content, lack of availability of the portal or the transmission of viruses or malicious programs or harmful content, despite having adopted all necessary technological measures to prevent it.
This site contains links to websites of other companies that are not under the control of the owner, so it is not responsible for the contents of these third-party sites that the user can access from this website. Therefore, if the user decides to visit these sites he does so at his own risk, without the owner of this site assuming any responsibility for the safety or accuracy of any information or content of these sites, nor for the quality of the sites. products or services that are offered on this site.
The Owner reserves the right to carry out without prior notice the modifications it deems appropriate on this page, being able to change, delete or add both the contents and services provided through the same as the form in which they appear presented or located instead.
This page is owned by Enrique Granados 66 BCN SL, domiciled in c / Balmes 266, entsol 3a, 08006 Barcelona, and provided with NIF B66761743, so, by accessing, the user accepts that all matters related to access and use of this site are regulated by the legislation of Spain to the exclusion of any other national or international regulations. All litigation related to the conditions of use will be judged by the competent courts of Barcelona, Spain.
In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on Data Protection, and the Regulations that develop it, we inform the user that the personal data you provide us will be incorporated and will be treated in the files of the headline. The purpose of the owner of the site when gathering personal information from the user, is to offer a good service, as personalized as possible and with contents according to their needs and interests. The owner will only use the personal data provided by the user in accordance with the purpose for which they have been requested. Thus the user authorizes that the information freely provided becomes part of the file of the owner of the site in order to maintain the commercial relationship and receive information and advertising of products and services of our company, through any means.
The owner declares that it complies with the regulations in force regarding Data Protection, in particular, Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the protection of personal data and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December December, which develops that and that has adopted the security measures of data protection that such regulation establishes. The owner will keep absolute confidentiality on the personal data of its users that can serve to identify him individually and will not disclose them, unless he has his express authorization, or when it is required by judicial or legal order, or to protect his own rights. headline.
When browsing these pages, the user is automatically providing the web server with information related to their IP address (unique identifier for the transmission of packets between computers connected to the Internet), date and time of access, the hyperlink that has forwarded to these, its operating system and the browser used). The owner of the site can not obtain on its own, nor does it intend to do so, unless it causes damage, information about the owner of the Internet connection to which it corresponds. This data will be stored and used only for the control and realization of statistics of access and visits to the web, and in no case will be communicated or assigned to third parties.
In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, the user has at all times the possibility of accessing the data provided, modify, eliminate or oppose their treatment, for which you can go through email to, indicating in the mail the mention LOPD, or, also in writing (including name, postal address and / or email address) to:
Enrique Granados 66 BCN SL
Balmes 266, entsol 3a
08006 Barcelona